Monday, August 26, 2013

Book Shelf Revamp

I just recently moved into a new duplex so I ended up buying all new furniture for my bedroom and getting rid of all the old random pieces I had when I was in college.
I bought a new chevron bedspread from Target that I love. It's a teal, yellow and gray pattern. All my furniture is black.
I need something to put my TV on and a place for some storage so I went to Target and bought a cheapo bookcase.
While putting it together I realized that it just had the cheap backing and I wanted to vamp it up a bit.
I primed the backing white and then painted it the teal color to match my bedspread.

I love how it turned out and gives a little pop of color.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Best Birthday Gift

Max's Birthday was at the end of July so I decided I would paint him a cooler as well.
I started off with his 2 favorite things, TKE and the Packers and then filled in the side with stuff from the Chive and the flag.