I have been pretty busy lately with work and my summer extravaganzas. I have been studying for a test I took at work today that I didn't end up doing so hot on. Insurance is intense, who would have known? But no worries, I still love my job and love working for Shelter.
Anyway, since I've been traveling a lot to the lake and to see the boyfriend I have not had much time for crafting, but I have made a HUGE list of projects I want to do and wanted to share some of them with you.
Also, I had a request (thanks Aunt Cris) for a sign she wanted me to make for her so I'm pretty excited about starting on that. I'll post it once I start it and finish it, until then it's a secret.
A friend sent me this quote today and it made my day A LOT better. I love this. I might have to do something with it like paint it on a canvas or something. Plus who doesn't love Liz Taylor?
I really like baking. I may not always be great at it but you can't learn unless you experiment. Plus not dessert can ever be bad. I saw this on pinterest and the lady who makes them charge a ridiculous amount. All this is is a cake carrier, some paint, and a little bit of patience. I have 2 of 3 (will need a cake carrier) and will be a lot cheaper. Plus it would make an awesome gift.
Now this is just funny. I might have to make this is in a clear jar and put it on my desk for candy just because I can.
I am obsessed with ecards. They are hilarious. Everytime I read this one I think of my mom. Not because she drinks a lot of wine, but because she is a hoarder when it comes to wine corks. Mom, i'll start drinking more wine so you can have more wine corks and make something crafty wtih them!