These are starting to be hard to keep up with.
8. Thankful that I like to bake. I have to admit I am a sucker for any kind of sweet. I have really gotten into cooking and baking recently. I find a 1,000 recipes on pinterest that look amazing and every once in a while I try a few.
I decided to make so very easy sweets to take with me to Rolla this weekend. It's like a chocolate covered pretzel but with about 1/4 the work.
You need hugs (hershey kisses) and the square pretzels.
Preheat the oven to 300 degrees.
Place the pretzels spread out on a pan.
Unwrap a kiss and put one on each pretzel.
Place the pan in the oven for 2 minutes, yes only 2 minutes.
Take the pan out and let it sit for 1 minute.
Then take another pretzel and put it on top.
They may not look the prettiest but they sure are good.
9. Thankful for being healthy. I think too many people take for granted their health. If you are healthy everyday it's easy to forget how valued that should be. I'm thankful that I am healthy. I rarely visit the doctor except for allergies.
10. Thankful for the beautiful weather. It was 74 degrees on Saturday which is very uncommon for November. I even had to break out a pair of short. It was family weekend at KA so my parents were in Rolla and so was I. We spent our Saturday afternoon at the winery. They have this really nice patio by the vineyard out in the country. It was a great way to spend some time with my family and friends.
11. Thankful for my apartment. I really lucked out when it came to finding a place to live in Columbia on short notice. I have a roommate but we are hardly ever there at the same time, so it's kinda like I live by myself for half the price. I'm thankful I can afford to live in the nice apartment that I do. I live on a golf course (even though I don't golf) and there is a pool right outside my door.