Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pink Pumpkin for the Cure

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month! Which means any and every way I can wear pink or spread the awareness I do.

My mom works in a hospital and is a Mamm tech so I decided to make her some pumpkins to put in the waiting room for the month of October.

I bought both these pumpkins at Target. The black one already came sparkly and was only $1. The white one was I think $8.

I painted the white one pink. Then glued some pink ribbons together and put them on the pink pumpkin. I free handed the word Hope and glued on some rinestones. For the black one I just added some pink ribbon to make them go together.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Cornhole Boards

I'm the TKE Sweetheart so I'm always trying to come up with small things for the guys. I decided to take on one large project and make some cornhole boards.
I can not take credit for the boards. I had someone make them for me. I just did the prime, paint and seal.
I started off by giving the top of the board a white coat. I knew I wanted to leave the tops whit so I gave them a good coat. Then painted the sides black.

After that I started to paint on the details. I had an "engineer print" made at Staples that cost $1.50 a piece. I laid this on the boards and stenciled on the design which made it so much either than trying to free hand.

After that came a lot of detailed painting and then a million coats of sealer...because these are going to boys and I know they will leave them outside over night at some point in time.