Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Cornhole Boards

I'm the TKE Sweetheart so I'm always trying to come up with small things for the guys. I decided to take on one large project and make some cornhole boards.
I can not take credit for the boards. I had someone make them for me. I just did the prime, paint and seal.
I started off by giving the top of the board a white coat. I knew I wanted to leave the tops whit so I gave them a good coat. Then painted the sides black.

After that I started to paint on the details. I had an "engineer print" made at Staples that cost $1.50 a piece. I laid this on the boards and stenciled on the design which made it so much either than trying to free hand.

After that came a lot of detailed painting and then a million coats of sealer...because these are going to boys and I know they will leave them outside over night at some point in time.

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