Thursday, June 14, 2012

You win some & you lose some

If there is one thing that I have learned it is that life goes on.

I have been pretty busy lately with work and my summer extravaganzas. I have been studying for a test I took at work today that I didn't end up doing so hot on. Insurance is intense, who would have known? But no worries, I still love my job and love working for Shelter.

 Anyway, since I've been traveling a lot to the lake and to see the boyfriend I have not had much time for crafting, but I have made a HUGE list of projects I want to do and wanted to share some of them with you.
Also, I had a request (thanks Aunt Cris) for a sign she wanted me to make for her so I'm pretty excited about starting on that. I'll post it once I start it and finish it, until then it's a secret.

A friend sent me this quote today and it made my day A LOT better. I love this. I might have to do something with it like paint it on a canvas or something. Plus who doesn't love Liz Taylor?

I really like baking. I may not always be great at it but you can't learn unless you experiment. Plus not dessert can ever be bad. I saw this on pinterest and the lady who makes them charge a ridiculous amount. All this is is a cake carrier, some paint, and a little bit of patience. I have 2 of 3 (will need a cake carrier) and will be a lot cheaper. Plus it would make an awesome gift.

Now this is just funny. I might have to make this is in a clear jar and put it on my desk for candy just because I can.

I am obsessed with ecards. They are hilarious. Everytime I read this one I think of my mom. Not because she drinks a lot of wine, but because she is a hoarder when it comes to wine corks. Mom, i'll start drinking more wine so you can have more wine corks and make something crafty wtih them!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Sunglasses are my #1 accessory

I NEVER leave the house without a pair of sunglasses (unless it's at night, except in college I wore them at night a lot too).
I have tons of sunglasses and I never can seem to find the pair I want because they are all over the place. This weekend I decided to solve that problem by making a sunglasses holder....I couldn't think of a fancy name for it.
I went to the local goodwill and found a $2 picture frame. Found some fabric on clearance at hobby lobby that cost me $2.50. The most expensive item was the ribbon at $3 but I have a lot left over and will use it on something.

I told you the picture frame was ugly. I started off by taking out the picture and painting the frame gray.
Then I took the cardboard and glued on the fabric.

then I glued some ribbon onto the board. I glued it down on the ends and then added some glue in the middle to create sections so all my sunglasses wouldn't fall to the middle of the ribbon. I put the backing in the frame and then WOLA...You're done. Now add the sunglasses.

I just need to find somewhere to hang it in my room.
P.S. I used part of my hobby lobby gift card for the fabric and ribbon. I also got a Michael's giftcard that I know I will use in the future.

Friday, June 1, 2012

If you don't stop and look around once in a while you will miss everything

My Friday night has consisted of chicken Alfredo, wine, and say Yes to the Dress! I have to say it has very relaxing and much needed.
While enjoying my relaxing evening I started looking through photos on my computer. I came across some really good ones that I had to share...

This picture sums up my parents perfectly
Clearly my love for sunglasses started young
I just LOVE this picture and I'm pretty sure we still have that head dress at my house somewhere.

Now for some newer ones...

The world's largest rocking chair

We have been friends since we were little. And I'm sure we will be friends till the end.