Friday, May 31, 2013

Fruit Pizza, Mini Style

One of the best parts of Summer is the fruit that is in season.
I'm not much of a fruit person ( I would take vegetables any day) but on a hot day I could eat a lot of cold fruit in the sun.
Every month we have a pot luck day at work so I decided to start the first one by making mini fruit pizzas.

I bought sugar cookie dough and backed it on the back of a muffin pan. It only has to bake for about 10 minutes. Some turned out betters than others. It was a major trial and error process to figure out how much dough was a good amount. You could add more dough if you wanted them to be more like bowls instead of a pie form.

Then let them cool and ice with cream cheese and sugar. Then add your fruit. And you're done! Hello cute easy dish.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Cooler Painting x2

I've recently gotten into the whole cooler painting trend. I made my brother one for Christmas and painted the top of my cooler a while back. I finally got around to finishing my cooler up.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Mason Jar Upgrade

Mason Jars are all the rage right now. If you have Pinterest you know exactly what I am talking about. People are finding creative ways to decorate them, bake in them, drink out of them and even color them.
So when I found a plastic mason jar with lid and straw at Marshalls for $5 I was beyond excited.
Of course I knew I wanted to do some sprucing up to my mason jar but wasn't exactly sure how.

Well after a few hours on Pinterest and Etsy I decided on ordering an anchor monogram decal from Etsy to put on the side of the jar.

After following the really easy instructions I put on the vinyl decal and instally loved it.
This will be perfect for the lake this Summer.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

DIY Screen Print Tank

I have read several posts on Pinterest that show a DIY version of screen printing a shirt.
I finally decided I was going to try this out.
All you need is:
Freezer paper
Exacto Knife
Fabric Paint

I started by tracing out my design on the freezer paper shiny side down. The shiny side is the side that will stick to the fabric. When I went to the game on Saturday I saw a guy wearing this shirt and thought it was awesome, so I went with that desgin.

Then you want to carefully cut out the design.
Next you iron on the freezer paper with the shiny side down. I ironed on mine alot because I didn't want any of the paint to bleed. I also made sure to iron on the little parts of letters really well.
I used white fabric paint and a piece of a foam brush. I cut it off to make it easier to dab the paint on.

Here is after one coat. I would let it dry about 30 min to an hour before you put on another coat since you want it build.

One I was done with my 3 coats I let it dry over night. The next day I pulled off the freezer paper. For the smaller parts of the letters I used a tweezers to get them off.

I can't believe how great this turn out! I'm sure this will be a staple in my Summer wardrobe.

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Year of 23

Last year at this time I was about to turn 23 and thought it was going to be terrible. I don't like growing up and becoming for of an adult. But now a year later I have to say 23 has been the best year of my life so far! I wanted to share a little bit of what happened.
In December I became the Sweetheart of Tau Kappa Epsilon.  I can't even begin to explain how much of an honor this is. All the guys in Max's voted on me to become this. Then at a special Christmas lunch they name who it is and all get down and serenade you with a Sweetheart song. I was completely shocked and so honored at the same time.
In January I went on a beautiful vacation with my family to Bonita Springs, FL.

I went to some amazing concerts. I saw Luke Bryan with my best friend and Jason Aldean with my boyfriend and some friends. Both of these were great and now I know why ladies love Country boys.
In March I got lavaliered by my boyfriend. This is a big honor because it means you are giving away your letters for the girl to wear knowing that she is the one for you. Then the house has to accept and then they all sing to you.

There is no way I can list everything that happened in my year of being 23. But what I can say it's going to be tough to beat this year.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

She Sells Sea Shells

In January I went with my family to Bonita Springs, FL. It was BEAUTIFUL!! We went to a bunch of islands and ended up collecting a lot of shells. I knew I wanted to do something with these shells so I could look at them every day and remember how great that trip was.
I bought a blank craft frame from Walmart. I started off by laying all the shells out on the frame how I wanted them then just hot glued them down. The hot glue has actually held up really well.

My mom also had some small jars that we put sand and shells in. So now every day at work I can look at a little piece of Florida!