Wednesday, May 9, 2012

A Smooth Sea Never made a Skillful Sailor

As of 2 days ago I have been graduated from college for a year. All I can say is Wow has my life changed. I'm moved out of my parent's house and have become completely independent. It's a nice but frightening feeling.
I have a great job, wonderful family, and amazing friends who have been there and supported me through everything and for that I am thankful.
Now that I've graduated and work an 8 hour job 5 days a week I'm realizing just how much free time I have. I don't have to study for tests, do homework, or go to meetings. I don't miss that at all.
But with this free time I've really gotten back into writing and crafting. I used to write in college for the newspaper and realized just how much I liked it and how much I miss it.

And for that I have started a blog.

What to expect?
Writing, Crafts, Stories & Laughs

Welcome aboard!

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