Wednesday, November 28, 2012

November is almost Over

My Thanksgiving was absolutely great!
I took off work a few hours early on Wednesday and went home. Then on Thanksgiving day I went with my family to Springfield, IL to celebrate with family.
Thursday night my mother and I did the unthinkable. We went black friday shopping! We just went to Target and I have to say I was pretty impressed with how smooth it all went. Target had it all down to a science and knew what they were doing.
After getting home late I had to turn around and get up early on Friday morning to drive to Arkansas. I spent the weekend with Max and his family. I went deer hunting (just for a few minutes, too cold and boring), bottle fed baby calves (wish I would have gotten a picture), went bowling, and had a huge bonfire. It was a pretty great weekend.

Now it's time for Christmas decorating. I haven't gotten my tree up at my apt yet, that will come soon. But I brought my Charlie Brown Christmas tree to work and drew some "lights" on my white board.

Linus Van Pelt: I never thought it was such a bad little tree. It's not bad at all, really. Maybe it just needs a little love.

1 comment:

  1. Love the little tree and your apartment looks very festive.
